Chest pain occurs in 3% of cases 7 to 9 months after infection and 6% of cases at 12 months. With the Omicron variant, chest pains are reported in 1.1% of cases 3 months after primary infection.
The pain is persistent and not related to exertion, eating or rest. It is important first to rule out any urgent cardiopulmonary causes and to discuss them with your primary care physician.
If you experience a new, sharp pain, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. In an emergency, call 144 (in Switzerland) or go to the nearest emergency department.
How is it treated?
Treatment may include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for muscle pain as well as manual therapy and respiratory therapy for muscle and diaphragm spasms. Hypnosis or self-hypnosis taught by a specialist can also be useful in these cases.
Where there is another reason for the chest pain – if, for example, the pain originates in the lungs or stomach – treatment is based on the underlying cause.
Pericarditis and myocarditis are treated as advised by a cardiologist.
Manual therapy and respiratory therapy are recommended for muscle spasms.