- Post-Covid
Several studies are under way to evaluate and understand the persistence of symptoms after a SARS-CoV-2 infection. At the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) and the University of Geneva, our research group is conducting the following studies:
Ongoing study with active recruitment: TEMELIMAB
The Division of Primary Care Medicine at the Geneva University Hospitals is looking for participants to the study evaluating the efficacy of Temelimab in post-COVID patients.
Criteria for participation:
- 18 years and older
- Having had a SARS-CoV-2 infection (documented by RT-PCR or antigenic test )
- Have symptoms for more than 3 months after the infection (fatigue, difficulty concentrating, memory problems)
- Having the HER-W ENV protein (this criteria is determined with a blood test done at the first visit after enrolling in the study)
More information and registration:
- Email : etude.longcovid@hcuge.ch
- Telephone : +41 (0)22 372 1151
Study led by Dr. Mayssam Nehme and Prof. Idris Guessous to evaluate the prevalence of persistent COVID-19 symptoms and the risk factors involved. The study, which includes infected individuals and a control group of people who have tested negative, assesses the direct and indirect effects of the virus on health status, functional capacity and quality of life. The study also looks at whether certain treatments can help to reduce persistent symptoms over the long term.
Contributors: Mayssam Nehme, Olivia Braillard, Pauline Vetter, Frederic Assal Frederic Lador, Ivan Guerreiro, Matteo Coen, Thomas Agoritsas, Jean-Luc Reny, Christophe Graf, Delphine S. Courvoisier, Lamyae Benzakour, Stéphane Genevay, Kim Lauper, Julien Salamun, Hervé Spechbach, Frederique Jacquerioz, Marwène Grira, Riccardo Favale, Guido Bondolfi, Aglaé Tardin, Paola M. Soccal, Dina Zekry, Silvia Stringhini, Philippe Meyer, Nana Kwabena Poku, Basile N. Landis, José Sandoval, Julien Ehrsam, Simon Regard, Camille Genecand, Garance Kopp, Gilles Allali, François Chappuis, Laurent Kaiser, Idris Guessous.
Link to the study: Long-term clinical outcomes of COVID-19 at the Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland, (Protocole Numéro: CCER 2021-00389)
Outpatient follow-up of individuals with a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection since March 2020, via remote consultations. This is a longitudinal study of a cohort of individuals infected since March 2020.
Contributors: Mayssam Nehme, Olivia Braillard, Delphine S. Courvoisier, Sigiriya Aebischer Perone, Gabriel Alcoba, Frederic Lador, Garance Kopp, Lamyae Benzakour, Marwene Grira, Giovanni Innaurato, Jennifer Socquet, Hervé Spechbach, Julien Salamun, Frederique Jacquerioz, Thomas Agoritsas, Gilles Allali, Chloé Chevallier-Lugon, Luisa Carnino, Bruno Lab, Jose Sandoval, Silvia Stringhini, Pierre Chopard, Simon Regard, Camille Genecand, Flora Koegler, Dan Lebowitz, Aglaé Tardin, François Chappuis, Idris Guessous.
Link to the study: CoviCare
Study evaluating persistent symptoms following COVID-19 infection in healthcare professionals and employees at the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG). This study began in June 2021.
Contributors: Mayssam Nehme, Laure Vieux, François Chappuis, Laurent Kaiser, Catherine Chenaud, Idris Guessous.
Study to be published soon: Long-term clinical outcomes of COVID-19 on hospital staff at the Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland, (Protocole numéro: CCER 2021-00931)
Integrative medicine and post-COVID condition. This project has three objectives: (1) to learn about the prevalence and evolution of the use of complementary medicine and therapies by post-COVID patients; (2) to gather information on patients’ impressions of the effects of these therapies; (3) to offer advice to the general population on the use of complementary medicine based on the effects felt by post-COVID patients. The project is supported by Leenaards Foundation and the SanteIntegra initiative.
Contributors: Mayssam Nehme, Pierre Yves Rodondi, Idris Guessous.
Link to the study: COVIntegra
Stories from long COVID
An interprofessional pilot project combining health care, education, art and research. The main objective of this project is to contribute to creating a collective story of long COVID, i.e. the story of the collective experience of patients, to help patients find validation and understand their own experience. The project is supported by the Leenaards Foundation and the SanteIntegra initiative.
Contributors: Olivia Braillard, Aline Lasserre-Moutet, Patrick Rywalski, Lisa Laroussi-Libeault, Marc Houvet, Mayssam Nehme, Lamyae Benzakour, Melissa Dominice Dao.
Link to the study: Long COVID Stories (FR)
This study aims to track the immunological status of participants over time to shed light on the dynamics of immunity and model the progression of the pandemic. In addition, the project aims to monitor and study the long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on several aspects of health and on the economic and social spheres. The study is part of Corona Immunitas, the Swiss national research programme for monitoring COVID-19, which is coordinated by the Swiss School of Public Health (SSPH+) and aims to collect reliable and comparable epidemiological data from across Switzerland.
Principal investigators: Silvia Stringhini, Idris Guessous.
Link to the study: Specchio-COVID19
Summary of clinical trials for post-COVID
The RAFAEL team has compiled a list of clinical trials conducted in Switzerland and abroad. Below you will find those that are currently ongoing and those that have been completed:
- Document for patients (french)
- Docuemnt for healthcare professionals (english)