When you have heart palpitations, it feels like your heart is pounding and beating fast.
One of the causes of palpitations could be a kind of dysfunction in the system that controls the heart rate, or what is known as dysautonomia or orthostatic intolerance.
How do we test for it ?
For heart palpitations, an electrocardiogram or Holter monitor (for ambulatory monitoring of the heart rate over a period of 24–48 hours) can be used for an initial assessment, if recommended by a cardiologist. Depending on the suspected underlying cause, your paediatrician, primary care physician or cardiologist may recommend additional tests, such as a cardiac ultrasound, a heart rate test while lying down and standing up or an exercise test.
How is it treated ?
Treatment may vary depending on the cause. As a general rule, if no cause can be identified, adjust your physical activities and daily routine to avoid intense or prolonged exertion that may aggravate symptoms. However, it is very important that you follow an adapted training program with a physiotherapist or fitness coach.